Lindsay Kimmett was passionate about many things. Family, friends, travel, reading, and medicine were at the top of that list and helped define who she was. But if there was one thing that got Lindsay more excited than any of these it was hockey. She would take it any way she could get it; ball, ice, or pond, it didn’t matter. She was also a strong supporter of women’s sport but was never afraid to compete against men.

What better way, then, to pay tribute to her memory and passion for the sport than playing for a co-ed pond hockey championship in her hometown of Cochrane? Started in 2009 by friends Joe MacLellan and Jason Baserman, with Reid Kimmett joining the organizing committee in 2010 and countless others helping throughout the years, Kimmett Cup continues to grow every year, bringing together the community and donating to charities in need.

Kimmett Cup organizers with Ron McLean. From right to left: Joe MacLellan, Jason Baserman, Reid Kimmett, and Scott Erven.

Kimmett Cup 1 – 2009

Kimmett Cup 4 – 2012

Kimmett Cup 7 – 2015

Kimmett Cup 10 – 2018

Kimmett Cup 13 – 2022

Kimmett Cup 2 – 2010

Kimmett Cup 5 – 2013

Kimmett Cup 8 – 2016

Kimmett Cup 11 – 2019

Kimmett Cup 14 – 2023

Kimmett Cup 3 – 2011

Kimmett Cup 6 – 2014

Kimmett Cup 9 – 2017

Kimmett Cup 12 – 2020

Kimmett Cup 15 – 2024

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